Two Go Mad In The Garage

How two numpties try to build a Westfield kit car.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cack handed fool

Because I am a complete idiot the last time i took the westie off the jack I let it down onto a piece of wood on one side that flicked up underneath the car and slightly damaged the rear wheel arch gelcoat - now pondering what to do about it.

I also desperately need to sort the car out a bit before i put it back on the road for the summer - so I need to bleed the brakes and change the oil and oil filter as a minimum.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Front number plate

A front number plate has been attached (airbrushed the reg out here) and we took Dennis down to Cromarty for a little run out....the highland roads are so fuill of 'muck' that even six miles has left him needing another wash.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Muck Stoppers and Anna

Prompted by the imminent arrival of Chrissy for a few weeks I have been trying to do some fettling on the car - including getting it taxed! - and fitting the funny aluminium bits components that were in the 'bits left over box' that every builder I'm sure must have!

These bits are 'muck stoppers' - that is the polite term, the more normal term will I am sure be obvious to you.

They are not mentioned in the manual at all, and despite trawling the net I couldn't find any really good photos of exactly where and how they fit.

So below is a photo to show the position of them

Helping me fit them is new star car builder wannabe - Anna, previously the 'official photographer' for this project... and now sporting Chrissy's green fact Anna's help was only offered on condition she got to wear the overalls !

Here is our new star at work on the silicone sealant around the 'muck' stoppers... having previously done her first rivetting.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Cleaned in scotland

Sadly working on my own as Chrissy not around, but preparing for some real work here is Dennis cleaned up....

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chrissy back for the weekend

Chrissy was back for the weekend, and so we put some work into the car, despite the freezing weather. 5 layers and woolly hats were the order of the day.

The car was still filthy from it's trip up. The battery was completely flat. We recharged the battery (reminded of the stupid way it is mounted which means it is almost impossible to get in and out without removing the nose-cone which in turn means loosening the headlights which loses their alignment) and delighted to say the car started first time (last started in August)

Then we cleaned out the cockpit and refitted carpets (new velcro) and seats.

As always it took longer than expected - about 3 hours in total.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The 550 mile tow

Dennis has arrived at his new home, after a slight nightmare getting him from Oxford.
Stupidly I choose the coldest, snowiest iciest week of the year to get him from Oxford.
I picked him up from the lock-up in Kidlington on Wednesday night in the dark and the freezing cold the seats and carpets were taken out and the westie was loaded onto the trailer. Then after delaying for 24 hours to avoid the worst of the snow I towed him up on the 4th of December through wind, snow and rain to arrive at his new home covered in salt and water.
Going over Drumochter pass in the snow with the trailer was interesting!

The drive on arrival was very very icy even after salting but he was put away ok.

Big thanks to Ann for lending us her lock-up
Big thanks to Steve for lending us his wonderful trailer
Big thanks to Dave for helping me load - not trivial in those conditions.
Big thanks to Martin for slating the drive and helping me unload.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

New home in preparation

Our westie is stuck in a small lock up in Oxford gathering dust and gently rusting....

....but there is a plan for an escape - here is a new home for our Westie - 

The garage door should be fitted next week and the second fit of the rest of the building should be finished by the end of November.

The current plan is to run a rescue mission for Dennis (our westie) in the first week of December.

Though I have to say that I am not looking forward to towing for 540 miles in December.

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