brake pipes fitted steering is stuck
You know how if you fly at very close to the speed of light around the universe that you come back and find thousands of years have passed by but you are only a little bit older (Well at least according to a well known patent clerk).
Well I'm sure there must be some similar effect in relation to kit car building and garages ...
You sit indoors rereading the manual for the 200th time, think oh yeah that will only take 5 minutes and pop out to the garage, but obviously the garage is moving very fast as when you come in and look at the clock, that 5 minute job has actually taken 2 hours.
Over the last couple of days we have been fitting the front brake pipes, in the top pic the thin metal pipe shows it before we started bending it, a job that requires strength skill and precision. We have 0 out of 3.
We drilled a hole in the outer bodywork (7" down from the top of the body and 1" in from the curved front of the body, yes WF still thinks we have an empire and so is reluctant to let go of the imperial system of measurements) .
In the second photo you can see the fitted offside flexible hose
And in the third photo here you can see the fitted brake pipe on the inside of the body, as you see we have had to bend it to run inside the coooling system pipes.
All would be joy except in doing this we seem to have got the steering stuck...
We wound the steering completely over one way to get access to the body for drilling and it seems to have locked in that position.
Oh Bother....
Tim is out for the week from this afternoon so it will just have to wait
.....Late update -
Thanks harv of WSCC for pointing out that it was the er umm errr steering lock!!!! How stupid are we - almost as stupid as Dave Gove!