As fast as we solve one problem we find another..
Some people say they have a love hate thing with the build manual, our feelings have slowly matured into a solid 'hate-hate' thing. It's connection with kit of parts supplied starts off a vague and loose thing, moves through tenuous into the territory of 'no connection whatsoever and frankly you'd have been better off without it'.
Anyway, some progress has been made - the washer bottle has been fitted, not in itself such a big achievement, but any step forward is appreciated!
The manual describes the wrong type of fan fitting, what we did (for other builders) was to put a 6mm thread in the 4 outer plastic holes (those facing forward to the front of the car) - picture of tap with masking tape around it to stop the tap going through the plastic into the body of the radiator, the fitted the mounting plate shown in the picture which will also take M6 bolts.
Note we could find no suitable length M6 bolts and had to cut them down, file and put a die down them, we have had to do this for 14 bolts this weekend, 4 to hold the fan to the plate, 4 to hold the plate to the rad, 4 to hold the rad on, 2 to hold the washer bottle on. What a bore.
We have also found the parts to make up a connector for the lambda sensor (I have no idea what lambda is being referred to here), and we have by use of brute force, ignorance and a file connected the throttle cable into the top of the engine, and filed out the hole in the bodywork to accept the plastic fitting of the lower end of the cable. Confused as to how to adjust the cable though as can find no adjuster?
Still puzzled how all the loom connections are made, but slowly putting a picture together, will have to ask Westfield more questions next week.
Total man/woman time spent this weekend 7 hours.