Two Go Mad In The Garage

How two numpties try to build a Westfield kit car.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Blizzards and Progress

A Speed Blog as short of time and loads of work emails to catch up on.

Up very early, cleared snow off car cover, drove carefully through clear but freezing conditions to Kingswinford - after a Mr Bean type attempt at reversing the trailer, we got the car unloaded very efficiently ( about 15 mins compared to the several hours it took yesterday to load it and tie down etc.) and met up with video-star Ian Ridgway (ref: A sportscar is born). Ian is a really nice guy and did his best not to laugh at our build attempts.

Here he is on the right.

Anyway the clutch was stuck and he freed it, he replaced the ify starter motor corrected our dodgy engine wiring, did the car setup and a couple of other little jobs.

The pre-SVA test he did amounted to a page and a half of failure items (which apart half of which we knew as hadn't really preped the car) - here is the list...

ian is the first person to drive our car..... and here is a pic of the first drive ... Ian driving it onto the trailer (sans seat).

The home through the blizzard...poor car got VERY wet....then unloaded it and Tim drove it for the first time in sleet into the garage.


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