After the flood
Limited progress this weekend, mostly because the torrential rain in the week had flooded some of the garage for a few hours and so some cleaning out was necessary.
Anyway we did finally get the bushes, which hold the eye bolts, which hold the seat belts, tapped out. (Bob suggested using a bolt with part of the thread cut off as an improvised tap, but since messing these bushes up would be about as bad a mistake as you could make - them being welded into the chassis and all - we decided to get the proper tool). The proper tool was not the aforementioned M10 finepitch tap but in fact a 7/16 20tpi tap, something I wish I'd known earlier as it would have saved yet another unnecessary tap and die set weighing down the postman. We had to have one more hack of the boot box to get the eyebolts all the way home which we now have.
We left the boot box then for a while to look at the rest of the lights, we checked out the connection for the indicator repeaters that have to be mounted half way along the body and tested one. After that we also changed the bullet connectors on the supplied front indicators for the feeble AMP things that are required to match up to the loom.
The repeaters need holes cutting in the side of the body, to a rather odd shape, so we made some templates by scanning the manual and then doing some manipulation on the PC until they printed out the right size.
We'll probably start on that this week.
Hey Dad. How come I have to do all the work and you just take the photographs and play around with computers all day?
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